Photo Results



We are all looking for the best treatments to stop the appearance of fine lines, reduce wrinkles and achieve more luminous glowing skin.

These results were achieved by using SkinPen Precision Medical Grade Micro Needling.

By combining your customised home care regime with potent professional treatments , the result is radiant skin with improvements in tone and texture and visible reduced signs of ageing.

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Acne/Oily/ Scarring:

Acne is a very common skin disorder.

Acne treatment must be customised and flexible since people of all skin types deal with acne. Common side effects of acne treatments include dryness and irritation.

We offer customised bespoke skincare regimens to reduce and avoid these symptoms along with professional AlumierMD treatment plans.

Medical grade micro needling dramatically reduces scarring caused by acne or any skin trauma.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) (aka Vampire Facelift)

Platelet Rich Plasma also known as Stem Cell Therapy or the PRP Vampire Facelift is an innovative non-surgical treatment for skin rejuvenation using platelet rich plasma from your own blood.

PRP encourages skin rejuvenation by stimulating the growth of collagen in your skin and the repairing of cells therefore improving blood supply to the skin cells to promote healthier and younger looking skin and visibly reduces lines and wrinkles and improves tired dull skin, photo damaged skin, dehydrated skin, dark spots and capillaries, scarring from trauma or acne.